Boats and Barns. Big Lorraine 30s

Acrylic Canvas Print from a digital painting
30" x 40"
A glimpse of Big Lorraine in the nineteen thirties with this captivating artwork titled "Boats and Barns". Measuring 30" x 40" and created using acrylic on canvas print from a digital painting, this piece beautifully captures a misty spring morning in a small fishing village of the past. Inspired by family history and an old oil painting by Uncle Bert, the artist skillfully brings to life a scene that is long gone and lost to memory. Immerse yourself in the rich history and nostalgia of this stunning artwork.
Gary LeDrew
235 Alexandra St # 17
Sydney N.S. B1S3A4

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 30 X 40 $300,    24 X 36 $260,     18 X 24 $240,     16 X 20 $140   


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